About Van Ruysdael
Van Ruysdael is a 'standard setter' in the further evolution of our built heritage and focuses both nationally and internationally on themes such as health, ethics, ecology, economy, culture and climate. We help people give knowledge and direction to the dialogue around these themes. In addition, we also offer a range of tangible products. This is how Van Ruysdael achieves its goal to maintain the attractiveness and health of our buildings and that of our living environment.
Our goal
Van Ruysdael believes in the right to live in an appealing and healthy living environment – not only for today’s generations, but also for future generations. In keeping with this, we invest in our cultural heritage, our environment and our well-being, all which are of inestimable importance. We pursue this goal by developing products and transferring knowledge, maximising the number of people who can enjoy the benefits of a secure, appealing and healthy comfortable environment.
Product and development
Van Ruysdael takes into account the complex mix of technological, ecological, economic and political criteria to be met. In these processes, the characteristic features of several classic architectural styles serve as guiding cultural and aesthetic principles. Van Ruysdael supplies glass and window solutions, which are nearly invisible to the naked eye and – more importantly – facilitate a healthy living environment, for all classical architectural styles dating before 1920, as well as for buildings reflecting the characteristic styles seen in the 1920s, 1930s, 1950s and 1960s.