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University of Maastricht

The Tapijnkazerne by LIAG architects received the WELL BUILDING STANDARD and BREEAM Excellent Certificate.The typical window details gave the monument it's context and were therefor preserved as one of the main values of the building. Simultaneously, the students can rely on the best indoor environment, proven by obtaining he highest certificates in our niche.


Van Ruysdael Project University of Maastricht
Van Ruysdael Project Agrocampus Rennes



Lycée Français

The Hague

Van Ruysdael Project Lycée Français The Hague
Van Ruysdael Project First Dutch outdoor school The Hague

First Dutch outdoor school

A successful product is the sum of all parts.

The connection between inside and outside is the lime light of this project. These young bright minds are promised a natural and comfortable learning environment for the next decades.

The Hague

Sorbonne Universtiy


Van Ruysdael Project Sorbonne Universtiy Paris
Van Ruysdael Project Groupe scolaire Béranger Paris

Groupe scolaire Béranger


Stedelijk Gymnasium


Van Ruysdael Project Stedelijk Gymnasium Arnhem
Van Ruysdael Project Royal institute for the Marine KIM Den Helder

Royal institute for the Marine KIM

Den Helder



Van Ruysdael Project Hageveld Heemstede
Lycée Français
First Dutch outdoor school
Sorbonne Universtiy
Groupe scolaire Béranger
Stedelijk Gymnasium
Royal institute for the Marine KIM
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