Heat reflection
Van Ruysdael balances thermal comfort with building construction.

Heat and energy saving
Van Ruysdael glass has a thermal comfort of Ug ≤ 3.3W/m2.K as well as a heat reflection of 100%. All heat radiation is reflected back through the glass exactly where it is needed. Together, these strong and powerful properties ensure more energy savings for the rest of your life. Discover these Van Ruysdael advantages and experience everything from a healthy, clean, beautiful and energy-efficient living environment.
Glass as coldest surface
In building structures, it is obvious that the glass had better remain the coldest surface in order to keep moisture displacement, lower percieved temperature, increased energy consumption, mould formation and other unhealthy consequences under control. One of the important features, therefore, is that Van Ruysdael glass is able to prevent these inconveniences and allow you to enjoy carefree warmth with the least possible energy.